Tourist Information

Metro manages a tourist information office and the checkpoint office for tourist bus permits:

  1. The tourist informatione office, located in Lucca, Piazzale Verdi, Vecchia Porta San Donato, is open every day 09:30 A.M. to 06:30 P.M. from April 1st to October 31; 09:30 A.M. to 04:30 P.M. from November 1st to March 31. The office is closed on December 25 and 26, on January 1st it opens at 11:30 A.M.

  2. The checkpoint office, locate in Lucca, Viale Carlo del Prete at the Palatucci Parking Lot, il open seasonally from 1st of April to October 31, or untile the last day of Lucca Comics & Games: every day 09:30 A.M. to 04:30 P.M. Tourist bus permits during low season (November 1st to March 31) are available at the tourist information office in Piazzale Verdi, and at any time on the website:

The tourist information office provides information about the Municipality of Lucca. Tourist offices are the landing place of many visitors ant the “town’s calling card”.

For further information about Lucca and surroundings:

The reduction will be applied upn request to be sent at least three days before arrival, after this deadline the requests will not be accepted

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